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Canadian Jade Round 8mm

Canadian Jade Round 8mm
Canadian Jade Round 8mm
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15-16" strand
½ strand (loose)

About this item

Item # 2274

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More about Canadian Jade

Our Canadian jade gemstone beads are an irresistible dark leaf green color. Some beads have lovely little specks of black throughout the stone. Canadian jade is a true jade that is becoming very popular very quickly. The consistent rich green coloring is unlike any other natural stone and it polishes to a very nice shine!

The term jade is used to refer to two different silicate minerals - jadeite and nephrite. Our Canadian Jade, mined in British Columbia, Canada, is the nephrite variety of jade. Nephrite is not actually a mineral in its own right, but is a tough, compact variety of either tremolite or actinolite, which are both calcium and magnesium-rich silicate hydroxides. The fibrous structure of Nephrite is so tightly woven that this gemstone is actually tougher than steel! The color of Nephrite varies with its composition, with the dark green coloring arising from the presence of iron.

Metaphysically, jades are said to evoke prosperity and good luck.

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