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DIY Pom-Poms

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DIY Pom-Poms

Pom-poms are on-trend right now! They are being paired with Boho style designs. We also carry many sports related charms, these are such a cute embellishment to cheer on your team and add color. Here at Lima we like using hemp, thread, or yarn. Let’s get started…

You will need: A fork, at least 2ft of stringing material (depends on how thick you want your pom-pom), and sharp scissors.

Step-by-Step Instructions:


Step 1

Got to your kitchen and get a fork and pick the color(s) of twine you would like to use.


Step 2

Feed your twine end under the first fork prong (leave a tail of twine sticking out, you will use it later) and start wrapping the rest of the cord around.


Step 3

We wrapped our twine around 24/25 times.


Step 4

Trim your twine off the spool to shorten the tail, leaving enough to wrap around and tie.


Step 5

Bring the tail up through the middle of the fork and bring the other tail up to it.


Step 6

Bring both tails together and tie.


Step 7

Remove from the fork.


Step 8

Tighten and tie a knot.


Step 9

Cut the loops with scissors.


Step 10

Cut and fluff until you get the pom-pom size you desire.


Step 11

Attach your pom-pom with a jump ring or tie it onto your design.