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Mexican Zebra Jasper Donut 40mm

Mexican Zebra Jasper Donut 40mm
Mexican Zebra Jasper Donut 40mm
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Item # 18184

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More about Mexican Zebra Jasper

Our Mexican Zebra Jasper gemstone beads are truly zebra-like with their bold black and white stripes. If you wear Mexican zebra jasper, you might blend in nicely with the zebras on the African Savannah! Jaspers with dark, jagged stripes are known as zebra jaspers.

Jasper is a combination of chalcedony and quartz, and has been used in jewelry and decorative arts for thousands of years. It was often the stone of choice among Ancient Minoan, Egyptian, and Sasanian (Persian) Empires. The name Jasper comes from old French, jaspre, meaning “speckled stone”. Zebra Jaspers are unique because they are stripey, instead of speckled. Zebra Jasper can be found in Africa, Russia, and India.

Zebra Jaspers are said to be stones of action. They are also associated with elevated mood.

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