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Mint Green Lodolite Quartz Round 8mm

Mint Green Lodolite Quartz Round 8mm
Mint Green Lodolite Quartz Round 8mm
Mint Green Lodolite Quartz Round 8mm
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Inches Mint Green Lodolite Quartz Round 8mm Cemtimeters Reference coins
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15-16" strand

About this item

These soothing quartz beads, filled with dreamy inclusions that look like tiny underwater worlds are perfect for creating serene necklaces or calm, meditative bracelets. Each bead is a tranquil escape, bringing a touch of earthy beauty to your design.

Item # 70333
Beads per strand (approximately) 48
Hole size 1mm

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More about Lodolite

Lodolite exists in patterns suggestive of gardens, landscapes, and underwater scenes. The colorations of the stone can remind one of a rose garden - rose, mossy green, burgundy, cream, and amber. Lodolite is mined exclusively in Southeastern Brazil. It is a trade name, and also known as Garden Quartz and Landscape Quartz. Lodolite can also be spelled Lodalite and Lodelite.

Lodolite is a quartz with inclusions. These inclusions could be iron oxide or hematite, but many types exist and inclusion types will vary from bead to bead. Quartz is a silicon dioxide, and the most common mineral in the Earth’s crust. Transparent quartz has a macrocrystalline structure, meaning crystals and grains are visible to the eye.

Many believe that quartz stones are associated with healing.

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