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Sunshine Leather Cuff

Sunshine Leather Cuff
Sunshine Leather Cuff

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Sunshine Leather Cuff

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I really wanted to experiment with alcohol inks on my new leather cuff. Once I started I just loved the effect that it gave me, but it was calling for a little something more. So I decided to stitch in some Irish waxed linen and use it to attach a Vintaj artisan copper blank. The sunshine theme comes from a song my kids love to sing with me which is why I stamped the word SUNSHINE and their initials.

Project supplies:

The products used in this project are listed below.

Step-by-Step Instructions:


Step 1

Lay flat your cuff in preperation to be inked. Select your color alcohol inks and apply in varying places and amounts to the applicator pad.

See Tip: Coloring Metal with Alcohol Inks


Step 2

Apply the alcohol inks to the leather cuff. After I applied the inks, I waited a moment then gently swiped down the leather to blend my colors. Then I went in with a freshly applied alcohol ink applicator and added a bit more ink for some depth.

See Tip: Coloring Metal with Alcohol Inks


Step 3

Decide on the placement of your focal. (Remember you're going to be wearing and bending the cuff, so close attention to focal placement here while the cuff is flat is essential). Lay it on the cuff exactly where you want it and mark the holes.


Step 4

Punching a hole in the leather is very easy. Simply choose the size hole you want to punch, I went with the smallest. Rotate the sizes around until you have the one you want to use matching up with the brass plate on the opposing side. Place your rotary punch appropriately and squeeze until you feel the hole pop through.


Step 5

Once you have you focal holes punched, mark out the border holes evenly and punch.


Step 6

Stitch through the border holes using the 4 ply Irish waxed linen. I tripled it on the ends and double stitched on the sides. When you get the focal holes, stitch through once and wait until you are ready to attach the stamped copper piece.


Step 7

I added a bit of texture using my brass hammer. You could use an actual texturing hammer instead. I chose my brass one because it was on hand and I decided at the last minute to texture it. :-)

See Tip: Hammering Texture on a Blank


Step 8

Flatten out your metal, then tape in place. I used blue painters tape. The tape serves two purposes for me. First: it holds the metal down, so that I don't have to worry about it moving while I'm trying to stamp the letters. Second: it gives me a line to follow so that my text is relatively straight!


Step 9

Stamp out your letters. Once the stamping is complete, I used Vintaj Patina Inks to color the metal and a Sharpie to fill in the letters. After applying each, I wiped the copper so that it wasn't too much coverage-- you can do this to taste.

See Tip: Stamping Blanks


Step 10

Place leather cuff on wrist as it would be worn. Lay the copper blank where it will be attached and form it on the leather giving the copper a gentle curve.


Step 11

Stitch copper to the cuff using the waxed linen.

See Tip: Irish Waxed Linen


Step 12

Once the copper has been attached take length of silk ribbon along with the tails of waxed linen and wrap around the cuff and copper several times. Make sure that you are pulling the ribbon and waxed linen taut while you wrap. Tie a secure overhand knot a couple times and you're done.


Step 13

Completed cuff!

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