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Sparkle Pop! Necklace

Sparkle Pop! Necklace
Sparkle Pop! Necklace

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Sparkle Pop! Necklace
Sparkle Pop! Necklace
Sparkle Pop! Necklace

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The striped pendant link from Jangles is the perfect way to create a funky centerpiece for my necklace. I chose Jennifer's round set of beads and some mini recycled glass rings and played from there. I went with jet and charcoal string, highlighted with little faceted blue Czech glass beads and knots from the stringing material. To connect the pendant to the strands, it was important to be able to use the the fun playfulness of the pendant, which is why the sides are a bit different.

Project supplies:

The products used in this project are listed below.

Step-by-Step Instructions:


Step 1

The first thing I did was to create the "links" to be used between my strands and the pendant once made. For the blue "number 8," I took 12" of black craft wire and the Czech fire polished rondelle 3mm. String 5 beads onto the wire. Push 3" of one end of the wire through the right top loop on the pendant and string on another 5 beads. Take your short tail end and your on tail end and twist together securely up against your bead, creating a loop. Wrap your shorter end a few more times, then trim and flatten against the longer wire tail end. String 8 beads on the wire and bend around into a loop. Wrap the wire securely up against your other wire wrapping that was just completed.


Step 2

Take a little over an inch of rhinestone chain (6 rhinestones), and finish off with the rhinestone end connectors. You can do this easily by placing the end rhinestone in the end connector and fold down the prongs.


Step 3

Now that the end connectors are on, attach the rhinestone chain to the pendant using a 12" piece of doubled over 4-ply Irish waxed linen. I choose magenta as a funky accent color. String the Irish waxed linen through the pendant left top loop making a couple lark's head knots. Once secure, string through the loop of the rhinestone chain and knot over and over again.

See Tip: Tying a Lark's Head Knot


Step 4

Add your charms, drops and dangles to the pendant loops. Be funky!


Step 5

Time to begin stringing your bead strands. Start this by taking 30" length of 4 ply Irish waxed linen. Using 4" on the end, string through the blue beaded link and wrap 4 times. Secure onto the link with a few overhand knots. Trim short tail.
Time to start stringing. Vary your selection of beads between jet & charcoal, 6mm & 4mm, and shell pearl & Czech rondelles. Make an overhand knot every 3-6 beads or so.

Step 6

To string beads on the rhinestone chain side, take 30" length of 4 ply Irish waxed linen. Fold over the Irish waxed linen so that 4" is on one end. String both ends through the loop on the chain and make a lark's head knot. Wrap the Irish waxed linen around the loop in opposing directions a few times and secure with a couple overhand knots. Trim short tail.
Time to start stringing. Vary your selection of beads between jet & charcoal, 6mm & 4mm, and shell pearl & Czech rondelles. Make an overhand knot every 3-6 beads or so.

See Tip: Tying a Lark's Head Knot


Step 7

Once you have your bead strung to a length you like to wear, attach each side to a jump ring or link of chain, wrapping the Irish waxed linen and knotting it to secure.

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10 yards
10 yards
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15 yd. spool