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Rhinestone & Leather Wrap Bracelets

Lima Beads
Rhinestone & Leather Wrap Bracelets
Rhinestone & Leather Wrap Bracelets

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Rhinestone & Leather Wrap Bracelets
Rhinestone & Leather Wrap Bracelets
Ali\\\'s version of this bracelet idea
Rhinestone & Leather Wrap Bracelets
double wrapped bracelet
Rhinestone & Leather Wrap Bracelets
criss cross wrapped bracelet

Project details:

in favorites

I have been seeing rhinestone jewelry everywhere recently, and while I do not consider myself a "bling" person, I fell in love with the simplicity of rhinestone chain. As soon as the chain showed up in the warehouse, I was asking Ali if I could take part in some of the designs. I've seen this design around and couldn't wait to give it a try. The two bracelets I made are super easy to complete and add a spark to any outfit.

Supplies you’ll need:

  • 6" rhinestone chain
  • 2' 2mm leather cord
  • 50" 4 ply Irish waxed linen
  • 1 button (TierraCast & Green Girl Studio buttons seem to work best with the leather cord)

Step-by-Step Instructions:


Step 1

Fold your leather in half and string on the button.


Step 2

Cinch your leather together by doubling over your Irish waxed linen and knotting it around the leather. Do this about 6-8mm below button. Wrap the Irish waxed linen in opposing directions around/down the leather for about 8-10mm.


Step 3

There are 2 different versions of this bracelet that I have done, one has the Irish waxed linen criss crossed and the other wraps in the same direction. The picture shown for this step represents the criss crossed version.
Make sure to hold your rhinestone chain flat against the leather and pull the Irish waxed linen taut as you wrap.


Step 4

Once you have completed your wrapping of the rhinestone chain to the leather, wrap your Irish waxed linen on its own for 8-10mm. Knot to the leather to secure. Take your 2 ends of leather and make an overhand knot down from the end of the Irish waxed linen, this is going to be what you put your button through for closure. Make sure the button fits before you secure the leather knot.

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10 yards
per foot

Also available: 16 Foot Length, 32 Foot Length

10 yards