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Mandala Mala

Mandala Mala
Mandala Mala

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Mandala Mala

Project details:

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Using the mandala as the focal point or guru for this piece to me represents our circles of life (family, friends and our communities) within the circle everything else.

Project supplies:

The products used in this project are listed below.

Step-by-Step Instructions:

Step 1

Cut 3.5 meters of cord, placing an overhand knot in the middle. Begin stringing on your beads on one side. Knot in between each bead.
TIP - If you pull your next bead against the knot, it will secure the knot in place.
15 Burma Jade, 6 Pacific Blue Apatite, 3 Burma Jade, 9 Pacific Blue Apatite, 1 Burma Jade, 3 Pacific Blue Apatite, 6 Burma Jade, 1 Pacific Blue Apatite, 6 Tibetan Style Agate, 1 Pacific Blue Apatite, 3 Tibetan Style Agate = 54 beads


Step 2

Tying a string in the middle of the cord so you can remember where each side starts for the counting of the beads as you string them on.


Step 3

Repeat the pattern from Step 1 on the other side = 108 beads


Step 4

Knot the Mandala in place and use burner to finish off the ends of the cord.


Step 5

Tie ribbons on back of Mandala to accent.

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15-16" strand
½ strand (loose)
39 yards
15-16" strand
½ strand (loose)