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Arrowhead Bolo Necklace

Arrowhead Bolo Necklace
Arrowhead Bolo Necklace

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Arrowhead Bolo Necklace
Arrowhead Bolo Necklace

Project details:

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This arrowhead employs all the great colors of the Southwest that made bolo necklaces so popular while being fashionable and sparkly :)

Project supplies:

The products used in this project are listed below.

Step-by-Step Instructions:


Step 1

To calculate where to tie on your pendant and a triple wrap (2 chokers + longer), fold your cord in half placing the halfway point on the back of your neck. Bring the cord around to the front center of your neck. That is the point where you want to tie on your arrowhead.


Step 2

The next step is to slide on your chosen concho. With the one I have selected, there is a band soldered on the back. You will need to get out your chain nose and round nose pliers to work the bands to the right shape and bend depending on the cord you have selected. Make sure when you slide you cord through that it's securely in place without locking it down.


Step 3

Decide how long you want to make your bolo necklace, then trim the excess cord.


Step 4

Prepare your Lima Studios 5-minute epoxy. Quickly dap some epoxy onto your bezel and set the cab in place apply slight pressure to secure.


Step 5

As long as you are working quickly and the the epoxy isn't tacky already, you can use the same epoxy mixed from above. Use a toothpick to apply epoxy into the tip, then stick your cord in. You may need to use another toothpick or pin to work your cord into the tip fully.

See Tip: Bolo Necklace How-To

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