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Leather and Gemstone Buddha Necklace

Leather and Gemstone Buddha Necklace
Leather and Gemstone Buddha Necklace

Project details:

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Leather and Red Jasper gemstone beads provide a beautifully updated backdrop for our Lotus Guru Bead and Buddha Pendant. Pearl knotting and eyelet setting are an unexpected technique pairing!
Design by: Tracy Proctor

Supplies you’ll need:

  • 1 Buddha Pendant
  • 1 Lotus Guru Bead
  • 1 Vine Hook & Eye Clasp
  • 1 Leather Strap 1⁄2"x10" Copper
  • 4 Eyelet w/ 3.7mm Stem
  • 7 Round Jump Ring 4mm
  • 2 Crimp Bead 2x2mm
  • 4 Round Bead 2mm or size 11 round seed beads
  • 24 8mm Faceted round gemstone beads (Red Jasper shown)
  • C-Lon .5mm or preferred cord
  • Eyelet Setter and Anvil
  • hammer
  • rotary hole punching pliers
  • scissors
  • rotary cutter and cutting mat (optional)
  • ruler (preferably clear acrylic quilting ruler)
  • needle nosed tweezers or T-pin
  • chain and/or flat nose pliers
  • pencil or pen
  • brush on super glue (optional)

Step-by-Step Instructions:

Step 1

Split leather strap into two 1/4"x10" pieces: use pen or pencil to make a series of marks down the center on the back side of the strap. Using scissors or rotary cutter, ruler and cutting mat carefully cut in half lengthwise.

Step 2

On one piece make a centered mark 1/8" from one end.

Step 3

Using smallest setting on hole punching pliers make a hole where marked.

Step 4

Insert one eyelet from top of strap down through hole at one end.

Step 5

Turn strap and eyelet upside down and place eyelet flange onto anvil.

Step 6

Position setter into end of eyelet and tap with hammer until set (see setter instructions).

Step 7

Repeat Steps 2–6 at other end and on both ends of second piece.

Step 8

Attach one jump ring to each eyelet, closing securely.

Step 9

Cut 3' of cord. Brush a tiny amount of super glue onto one end of cord, allow to dry, then use scissors to trim cord at an angle. (optional)

Step 10

String one crimp bead onto cord, then thread cord through jump ring
at end of one strap and back through crimp bead. Adjust to form small (1/8") loop then use chain nose pliers to flatten crimp onto cords leaving a 2" tail. Tie an overhand knot in tail and tighten right next to crimp*. Trim excess cord. (Optional: add a tiny drop of glue to knot.)

Step 11

String one gemstone bead onto cord, slide it up to crimp, then tie an overhand knot right next to bead.
Tighten securely.
TIP: Knotting: Pre-stretch cord before stringing and knotting. If a single overhand knot is too small and slips through bead holes, tie a second knot on top of the first to add bulk. Some find it easier to tie the knots by tightening them around a T-pin or needle nose tweezers

Step 12

String one gemstone bead, sliding
it up to previous bead, then repeat
knotting process.

Step 13

Repeat Step 12 ten times.

Step 14

String 4 2mm beads or seed beads
onto cord, then string guru bead to cover 2mm beads. Tie a knot after guru bead.

Step 15

Repeat Step 12 twelve times.

Step 16

Repeat Step 10 being sure to face
second strap the same direction as the first, and adjusting cord to take up any slack before securing crimp.

Step 17

Open one jump ring and attach pendant to guru bead. Close jump ring.

Step 18

Use one jump ring to attach clasp hook at one end of necklace.

Step 19

Use one jump to attach clasp eye at other end of necklace.

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per foot
15-16" strand
15-16" strand
½ strand (loose)