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Rainbow Wall Hanging

Rainbow Wall Hanging
Rainbow Wall Hanging

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Rainbow Wall Hanging
Rainbow Wall Hanging

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I started out with an idea of a chevron rainbow wall hanging. I knew that I would want to soften the bold colors of the rainbow beads I was using, so I found a stick to hang the rainbow from, incorporated some natural wood beads and strung everything on a camel colored microsuede. The microsuede is a nice material to work with as it is thicker, lays nicley, and knots well. You know the saying "You can't have a rainbow without a little rain," so I added raindrops with some of our beautiful faceted quartz focals off to the sides.

Supplies you’ll need:

  • 13 20mm round beads of each color of the rainbow
  • 13 20mm rounds silver beads
  • 13 20mm faceted nugget silver beads
  • 7 crystal or quartz pendants (you could also use points)
  • branch
  • 62 natural wood beads
  • 13 3.5' lengths of microsuede for the rainbow
  • 3 18" lengths of microsuede for the raindrops *3 3' lengths for the hanger

Step-by-Step Instructions:


Step 1

Layout all of your beads. It is helpful to organize them in the way you want to string them on - wood, silver, barn red, poppy, pink grapefruit, marigold, kelly green, navy, Alice blue, aqua, lavender, faceted silver. This will help make sure that you don't skip a color on one of your strings, I did this several times and had to unknot and restring.
Place a knot at the end of each of your 13 lengths of microsuede to be used for stringing the rainbow. Additionally place a knot 4" up from that initial knot.
All 13 strands have the same beads with the exception of the number of wood beads at the top creating this chevron pattern. Time to string.

Step 2

Once you have strung all 13 strands, lay their placement out along your branch or stick. Take a picture for reference. Tie each strand where you have placed it and bind the excess microsuede around the branch.


Step 3

Now layout your "raindrops" and tie them onto the 3 18" lengths. Just as with the rainbow strands - tie each strand where you have placed it and bind the excess microsuede around the branch.

Step 4

Using your 3 3' lengths of microsuede, wrap the ends around one end of the branch, decide how big you want your wall hanging to hang down. Then tie the excess ends around the other end of the branch.

Step 5

Now all you have to do is find the perfect spot to hang your work! We are trying to pick between our daughter's bedroom and the family room.

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