Themes & Trends:
by AndreaP at Lima on 03/13/25
This knotted necklace is filled with soft colors of gesmtones, shell, and Czech glass to create this ethereal garden vibe. This knotting technique makes this an easy design. The total necklace length is 42", long enough to double wrap.
I cut a 20 foot piece of cord. Thread the cord onto the needle. Slide the needle to the center of the cord and fold the cord in half. You should have two cords going through the beads. Tie the tail ends of the cord into a knot 5 inches away from the end. You will need the extra cord to tie on the butterfly focal.
Use the needle to thread on the beads in the order shown or create your own style. Slide the beads all the way down towards the knot.
This image shows the bead order. You don't need to string all the beads on at once. I slide on a few at a time, knotted thena and then added more. Be sure the scallop shells are strung correctly so they are not upside down in the necklace. I layed the necklace how I would wear it so I knew how they would face while stringing them on the cord.
Start knotting! Image 1: Slide a bead up to the last knot. Take the working cord wrap it around your index and middle finger. Hold the end of the cord with the other hand. Cross the working cord over the top of the bead cord so they intersect. Image 2: Bring the beads up and over the cord intersection and through the loop between your fingers. Image 3: Pull the beads through. Image 4: Pull the knot tight. Image 5: separate the two cords with your fingers and pull each one in opposite directions to tighten your knot. Now slide up the next bead and keep doing this knotting technique in between each bead.
Once you get to the end slide all 4 cords through the butterfly hole. Wrap the cord around in opposite directions and create a couple of knots. Be sure it is secure.
Trim the extra cord and use a lighter to burn the cord slightly to secure your knot. Do not hold the lighter too close to the cord. You can always add a dot of super glue for extra security.
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