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Closing A Jump Ring

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If you've been making jewelry, chances are you've had problems getting jump rings to work exactly the way you want them to.

Step-by-Step Instructions:


Step 1

Hold either side of the jump rings using pliers. I prefer to use chain nose in my right hand and the back of my bent nose in the other hand. You can use your fingers, but they aren't as steady and you can hurt the tips of your fingers if you are working with a heavier gauge.


Step 2

With your pliers, move the ring apart, separating back and forth rather than side to side. If you separate side to side, you will have a very difficult time trying to get the jump ring to close properly and will more than likely not be able to regain the round shape.


Step 3

Once you have attached your open jump ring to a clasp, charm, chain, etc, you now close the jump ring the same way you opened it. As you bring the ends together, make sure to have them bump into each other. This creates a firmer connection at the opening.


Step 4

TIP: If you find that you have followed these steps and still do not have a closed jump ring, I recommend gently tapping the jump ring on a nylon block using a plastic mallet. Make sure to only tap a couple times and then turn so that the shape stays maintained. The combination of this and working the ends back and forth with your pliers will help the jump ring come together nicely.

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